It is one year since hell opened up over Israel on October 7th. Denialism of what happened has reached its apotheosis as the anniversary of this day of evil is co-opted and perverted from a day of memorial into a protest about those who suffered. It seeks to erase and deny what happened by supplanting the events of October 7th with marches and protests like parasitic cukoos.
Setting aside any context to October 7th—before and after—how that day is remembered or nullified is a litmus test of good and evil and of the state and condition of our civilisation.
A group of terrorists, with the stated desire of extermination of all Jewish people, invaded Israel and hunted down men, women and children, murdering, torturing, raping, mutilating, and beheading. They did so whilst shouting praises to their God, recording their atrocities, and some calling their families to receive praise for their actions.
There is only one acceptable response to this event's anniversary —a remembrance to ensure we never forget. Yet, instead, there is extant desecration.
Nothing can excuse what happened on October 7th. Nothing. There is also nothing to add, such as, "Yes, October 7th was awful, but..." There is no excuse, no qualification, no rider.
On October 7th, evil incarnate manifested in visible, unspeakable crimes. It also generated an X-ray of the soul of our societies, cultures, and individuals. The events of October 7th and our disposition towards it are of an order that reveals our essential natures.
A must-watch documentary. #ScreamsBeforeSilence sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7. As heartbreaking as these stories in the documentary are, we cannot afford to look away.